After many requests, I put at your disposal instructions for building the Mini's mini sequential gearbox.
I know that some of the connections and solutions looks needlessly complex, but this is fact so to fit it to the little mini's nose, you can adapt it to your own car.
- The red rubbers connect both 1 stud bush under the selector, like this:
- You must change the yellow plate 1x4 for a rack 1x4(ref. 3743), this part doesn't exist in LDD :(
- You must change the red axle connector Ridged(ref. 6538a/b) inside the Driving Ring, for an axle connector smooth(ref. 6538c), oriented like this picture:
Finally you can download the LDD file(.lxf) and the step by step instructions(.html) here:
I hope this gearbox will be useful for you!!!
I know that some of the connections and solutions looks needlessly complex, but this is fact so to fit it to the little mini's nose, you can adapt it to your own car.
- The red rubbers connect both 1 stud bush under the selector, like this:
- You must change the yellow plate 1x4 for a rack 1x4(ref. 3743), this part doesn't exist in LDD :(
- You must change the red axle connector Ridged(ref. 6538a/b) inside the Driving Ring, for an axle connector smooth(ref. 6538c), oriented like this picture:
Finally you can download the LDD file(.lxf) and the step by step instructions(.html) here:
I hope this gearbox will be useful for you!!!